Alignment and PVP

Alignment is how good (or evil) your character is at that time and can be changed by how you act towards other people. Everyone starts as neutral. Alignment is represented by the color of a person’s name. You can see your alignment by viewing your character screen.

You can have one of three alignments: Holy, Neutral, or Evil. Each has bonuses that apply as long as you are of that alignment. Committing crimes (listed below) will turn you evil and in some cases send you to jail. As long as you don’t commit crimes and only attack monsters, you will one day be Holy. There is an additional alignment, Criminal, but that is temporary and does not affect your overall alignment.

Attacking other players
To attack another player you must be in Attack Mode and turn off Target Protection. You can only attack another player in an area that hasn’t been designated as a safe zone. Attacking other players will make you Evil.

Looting Rules
The first 11 times you loot illegally you won’t get in trouble with the guards, but each time after that the risk of getting sent to jail increases. Looting illegally also makes you more Evil. Looting/Death Rules can be broken down into 6 stages.

1.You have died and your corpse is fresh. All items in your backpack have dropped and there’s a chance you have dropped an equipped weapon or piece of armor. No one can loot your body except you. You can press space bar to loot your corpse. This stage lasts for 2 minutes.
2.Your corpse is still fresh. No one can loot your body except you, but now you must manually drag your possessions back to your backpack. This stage lasts for 2 minutes.
3.Your corpse is now available to loot. Guildmates may loot you and not become criminal. If you are criminal, anyone may loot you and not become criminal, and the items they take are not considered looted. If you are not criminal, others may loot your corpse and become criminal, and the items they take are considered looted. This stage lasts for 2 minutes.
4.Your corpse is still available to loot, although it has decayed into bones. Rules from stage 3 still apply.
5.Your corpse has returned to the earth from which it came, and your items are on the ground available for anyone to take. These items will retain the original owner’s name but will not be considered “looted.” This stage lasts for 2 minutes.
6.Your items have disappeared from the world.

The only exception to these rules regards “looted” items. These are items that were looted illegally from another player and can be taken at any stage of death. You will not get in trouble for taking these items.

Attacking Town Guards
To attack a guard you must be in Attack Mode and turn off Target Protection. Attacking a guard will make you turn Criminal, and killing a guard will make you more Evil.