Attributes determine how well you can perform with a certain weapon, your success at various tradeskills, and what kind of weapons/armor you can equip.
There are four attributes:
Attribute | Affects |
Strength (STR) | Determines carrying capacity and melee damage |
Dexterity (DEX) | Determines chance to hit with weapons and increases your armor class |
Intelligence (INT) | Determines chance of casting spells and allows you to use high level mage items |
Constitution (CON) | Determines rate of health regeneration and health (HP) gained per level |

In the example Player Screen above (right), John Doe has base of 5 orbs in each attribute and has 5 orbs to spend. The grey box on the left of each attribute is where you click to add orbs. NOTE: There is no confirmation screen when you distribute your orbs. Once you click the box you have committed that orb and can’t get it back unless you purchase an orb reset from the store.
Here are some sample attribute builds to help you decide where to spend your orbs:
STR | DEX | INT | CON | Build Description |
100 | 22 | 5 | 100 | The “Warrior” build. You are proficient with most weapons and can withstand a great deal of damage. (NOTE: this build chose Warrior profession) |
100 | 100 | 5 | 22 | The “Archer” or “Bower” build. You are proficient with most weapons and excel at archery, but you can’t take as much damage as a warrior. (NOTE: this build chose Warrior profession) |
75 | 5 | 60 | 87 | The “Warrior Mage” build. This player can equip any item in game, including high end mage weapons. (NOTE: this build chose Warrior profession) |
10 | 10 | 100 | 100 | The “Mage” build. This player excels at magery and is very good at healing party members. |