Store: Tokens

Tokens can be bought from the in game store on Steam. Once purchased You can use them to buy expansions, character enhancements, and other fun items.

Below are commonly asked questions about the Token system.

What are Tokens?
Tokens are a form of digital money used to purchase in game items, expansions, and character modifications in both Ashen Empires and Dransik. Token can be purchased in packs of 100, 200, 500, 1000, or 2000. Your tokens are usable on your account no matter which Iron Will Games game you are playing.

Why Do You Have Tokens?
Iron Will Games introduced tokens in February of 2007 along with the expansion Sands of Creation for Ashen Empires. The goal of the token system is to make Ashen Empires and Dransik completely free to play. By purchasing items with tokens, you are supporting this goal.

How Do I Buy Tokens?
Tokens can be purchased in-game using the store option. Purchases will be made through the Steam merchant system which accepts many more types of payments

How Do I Spend Tokens?
You can spend tokens online through the Secure Site or in game through the Ashen Empires Exchange (type /store in the chat dialog to bring up the store, or click the coin icon in your main navigation bar). Some items are not available to purchase through the secure site. Please view the store page for more information on how to spend your tokens in game.

The current rate is $.05 for 1 token. International prices vary according to the exchange rate prevailing at the time of the transaction.